Monday, March 10, 2014

Winter: Challenged

i was nominated by my friend Gwaai Edenshaw (, and inspired by artist and activist Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson ( to take the plunge in honour of those who are working to rid our coastal waters of the threat posed by oil tanker traffic. 

i also took the opportunity to second the challenge made yesterday by Vancouver city councillor Andrea Reimer to federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau (who currently favours a "nuanced" approach to hydrocarbon extraction).

i join those who argue that we can and should be steering sharply away from any petroleum-centred strategy for generating wealth and energy. Increased oil tanker traffic may not (as Trudeau condescendingly put it) "precipitate the end of the world as we know it", but any oil spill poses a catastrophic risk to the region's ecosystem — and that's a risk we should refuse to take. (Take the plunge instead!)


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