Been away from the
blogosphere for a while - busy back in "reality" with writing, work, etc. but two urgent items were brought to my attention this evening, so here they are... If you're reading this i hope you have a minute to take some action (write to the bad guys / donate to the good guys / tell others)...
First, i heard about the
Massacre in Chiapas...
Then (moments later) i learned that Bear Mountain Resort CEO Len Barrie meant it when he said
"if we want to blow up a cave and put up a hotel we will" (whether or not it has traditionally been used for Native ceremonies and burials).
According to Cheryl Bryce of the
Songhees First Nation, the
Bear Mountain developers (led by Barrie and fellow former-NHL player Mike Vernon) blew up just such a cave today.
In an email, Justine Batten (Director of the Archaeology Branch of the BC "Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts") explained to Bryce that blowing things up is the best way to understand and protect them:
"... the Heritage Conservation Act does not protect sacred sites that contain no physical evidence of use or habitation. Before we know whether this cave does fall within the protection of the Act an impact assessment needs to be completed and this can only be done safely by removing the roof of the cave. This work will recommence on the site."If you have questions about this method of "assessment" (
reminiscent of witch trials: the destruction of the cave enables us to determine whether or not it was sacred), feel free to contact Ms. Batten (Telephone: 250 952-4305 / Fax: 250 952-4188 / email: Just be prepared to hear something along the lines of:
"...the Provincial position is: Given the existence of the Douglas treaty, aboriginal rights and title were surrendered under the terms of that treaty..."
How am i supposed to sleep with all that